Names of 21 Startups Competing in SuperstarM Revealed

The names of the 21 startups taking part in next Tuesday’s SuperstarM competition have been released.

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The above teams will have the chance to give an elevator pitch at the 4th SuperstarM 2013 hosted by Maekyung Media Group and organized by VentureSquare and KTOA. Each of the 21 teams will pitch for three minutes each and seven final teams will be chosen by combining points from judges and votes from attendees at the event. Pitches will also be given by influential startup companies invited from Japan, China and Vietnam in a special session.

All 21 startups at the event will have their own promotional booths which attendees are free to wander around. We look forward to your participation as your points will also help decide who takes away the top prize!

* Date: 12:30pm – 6pm, May 14
* Venue: EL Tower (Yangjae Station – Exit 9)
* Click here for more information on the event
* Please note that the event is free but lunch is not provided.

Thanks to all the teams who sent in applications for the competition. The quality of candidates was very high and we had great difficulty in choosing semi-finalists. For those who didn’t make it through, remember that this doesn’t mean that you won’t be successful and we support all startups in achieving their dreams.