[Startup Nomad Interview #3] Ivyberry focuses on local to go global
Ivyberry Co. CEO Doug Yong Parc sat down with VentureSquare to talk about Cousto as a loca...
Ivyberry Co. CEO Doug Yong Parc sat down with VentureSquare to talk about Cousto as a loca...
At the Econovation center in the Olleh R&D, we sat down with the CEO of IndieCF Jeong-...
At D.Camp, we sat down with the CEO of ChattingCat Co., April Kim, to talk about Startup N...
8월 13일, 벤처스퀘어에서 스타트업 노마드 팀들의 킥오프 행사가 열렸다. 치열했던 선정과정을 거치며 최종적으로 선정된 팀들은 총 8개 팀으로, 데이터 시각화 전...