[Startup Nomad Interview #8] How to become a better planner with JUNE
Day2Life’s Peter Park is a KAIST graduate and former LG employee and he wants to sav...
Day2Life’s Peter Park is a KAIST graduate and former LG employee and he wants to sav...
Production is not easy. Anyone can record a movie, but not everyone can cut and produce. H...
지난 13일, 삼성동 코엑스 컨퍼런스룸(남)에서 ‘2014 Fall Global Startup Conference(GSC)‘가 개최되었다. ...
2014 글로벌 스타트업 콘퍼런스(Global Startup Conference 2014)가 오는 13일 삼성동 코엑스에서 열린다. 미래창조과학부와 정보통신산업진...