[Weekly VentureSquare Stories] 2nd week of August

사용자 삽입 이미지

금주부터 벤처스퀘어의 컨텐츠가 매주 영어로 요약 번역되어 발행됩니다.

영어권 사용자들에게 한국의 스타트업을 소개하고 한국의 스타트업 문화와 생태계가 어떻게 변화하고 있는지,
벤처스퀘어에는 어떠한 컨텐츠가 올라오고 있고 한국 독자들은 어떤 컨텐츠를 보고 있는지 알리기 위함입니다.

한국의 스타트업과 글로벌 마켓이 조금은 가까워질 수 있는 의미있는 첫걸음이 되길 기대해 봅니다. 한국의 스타트업 소식을 영어로 번역하여 알리는데 관심이 있고 동참하고 싶으신 분은 editor@venturesquare.net으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.     

Weekly VentureSquare Stories are summaries of some of the week’s top posts relating to the Korean startup and venture Industry.

Korean and Japanese Mobile Companies Focused on Creating an Ecosystem

사용자 삽입 이미지In
Japan, mobile carriers with mobile infrastructure are designing
strategies to make sure they can stand up to the era of the smartphone.
KDDI anounced that they will be joining with developers at Labo in order
to create new technology with the android platform.In Korea, LG U+ have
announced that together with venture capital provided the startup
incubator group ‘Primer’, they plan to help build and link hands with
new venture companies. I look forward to seeing how these large mobile
companies in both countries develop their new ecosystems with small
scale venture companies and I am curious about what the result will be.

Secret to the Revival of Guro Industrial Complex – 1997’s “Venture Accumulation Intergration” Prescription

사용자 삽입 이미지Before
1945, Guro Industrial Complex was once a place where many female
factory workers in their teens and twenties spent their youth. This
place is now turning into area with brand new venture companies and with
over 10,000 venture companies in 10 years can be considered one of the
‘Miracles on the Han’. In 1997 Heo Tae-yeol claimed that Korea’s future
lay in this very area. Without any help from the government many young
entrepreneurs have flourished here, helped by a network of fellow

Doctor Doom/Marc Faber’s Economic Outlook – Predicting a worse Economic Crisis

사용자 삽입 이미지With the lowering of the U.S credit rating from AAA to AA+, we can expect that there will be a change in U.S bonds which have always been considered the safest. I’m posting a video of an interview with investment analyst Marc Faber who appeared on CNBC and said some things which I believe have some meaning.

In the Apple – Their Secret to Success

We try to live without regrets but my biggest regret in life is never having bought Apple stock five years ago. Those who did are receiving a whopping 53.1% return on their investment. How is Apple different from other companies and how have they made so many top selling products? I combined my knowledge with an article that I read in ‘Fortune’ magazine called ‘Inside Apple’ and made a list of Apple’s secrets to success.

Facebook’s Bold Messenger Release – Unlimited Competiton?

In the midst of myself talking about the change from voice based communication to text based communication, Facebook has released their own messaging application. In Korea, Kakao talk has over 20,000,000 users and many other major companies have released their own apps to compete in a market which seems to have no boundaries for competition. Developed by Beluga, the application allows not only 1 to 1 chatting but also group messaging and sharing of files and locations. With the lines between phone companies and web services blurring it will be very interesting to see how the structure of communication services changes.

* Upcoming Events for Startups in Korea

Im Ji-hun’s VC Session No. 11: Management for Startups

On the August 19 at 7pm, Im Ji-hoon will be holding the 11th VC session at Microsoft, Seollung Station.  Anyone interested can come and participate in discussions about startups as well as network with others. “I’ve been rather busy for a while after the last session but since I think I can take a night off I’m uploading this notice. Of course all the material won’t be new but I intend to make it a little different. Recently we looked at the contents of the Instragram founders’ lecture and this time I plan to give my own interpretation.”

Date: August 19 (Fri) 7 – 9:30pm (There will be time to network from 7 – 7:30pm)
Venue: Seollung Station, Posco Building, Korea Microsoft Meeting Room
Price: Free
Participants: Up to 200 people
RSVP: Please register via the link – http://onoffmix.com/event/3501

Korean Startups and Angel Investments’ Networking Party

In 2011, there are more young people ready for challenge and to found new ventures than ever before. On August 16, ‘The 2nd Global Venture Startup Network Party’ will be held at Platoon in Non-hyun dong. This event will be jointly run by 7 startup companies including Angel Club, OnOffMix, REUP and Afterabc. It is mainly a social fundraising event to raise money for startups. It will be a program filled with various activities such as an Angel investment game, speeches from venture capitilasts and demonstarations for companies to promote their services.
Registrations can be made until the 15th via the OnOffMix registration page.

If you’re interested in sharing your ideas or company and translating them into Korean, feel free to e-mail us at editor@venturesquare.net.