[Superstar M Teams] TKD – Think Different

Tests and exams are the bane of students. However, the process of creating questions, formatting the exam and the process of marking is also a difficult process for teachers. TKD aims to simplify the process for teachers with their solution: Testbuilder.  

TKD, which stands for Think Different, is a project idea development enterprise that is founded in 2006.An interesting fact is that all the members in this team are Mensa members, which means that they all scored above the 98th percentile of a standardized IQ test.

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Their main project is TestBuilder, which is an integrated system and for creating exam, grading and managing tests. TestBuilder covers the whole process of testing – creation of the questions, editing, printing, marking and scoring. One special feature of TestBuilder is that each question is treated as a separate unit in editing and arrangement and there is no need arrange the questions and answers separately. Also, it is possible to input explanations for wrong answers for each question. All these features will be highly useful to educators and teachers.

TKD was also one of the 7 teams that made it to the final rounds of Mobile Startups Korea 2012, a mobile startup competition that attracted over 100 teams. TKD won the runner up prize in the competition, receiving 5 million won as prize money.  

During the QnA session in their presentation, CS Partners’ CEO Song asked the question that everyone was curious about: ‘Do you have to be a Mensa member to join the company?’.

Luckily for the prospect job seekers, TKD replied that it is not a necessary condition and it was because all the team members met in a Mensa Entrepreneurship meeting that the team is currently comprised of Mensa members.

TKD is also in talks with companies that operate question banks / databases for partnership ties and they already have ties with several content providers and test editors. TKD acknowledges the fact that more exams are now subjective in nature, with short answers or essay formats popular. This is especially true in tertiary education and above. In response to that, TKD is also looking into driving licenses test, SAT and other certifications that are still currently using the objective grading system model. Also, the company is also researching on releasing more subjective examination questions.

Visit their official site here.