Fast Track Asia has announced its seventh investment in mobile security software company SEWorks. The company was founded in December 2012 by CEO Minpyo Hong, who is well known for his international hacking experience.
Hong, who formed Korea’s largest hacking group “Wowhacker” in 1998 and won awards at various global hacking competitions, stayed active in the hacking and security field – finally forming a solutions company called ‘Swift Works’ with Wowhacker members in 2008. After the members of Swift Works focused on mobile security SEWorks was born.
Fast Track Asia CEO Jiwoong Park commented on the investment saying, “SEWorks was founded with a team who have researched hacking and security over a long period of time and we decided to invest as they possess talent that isn’t matched anywhere else in the country. Fast Track Asia will offer support in any way it can to act as a bridge so that SEWorks can expand into the global market.”
CEO Hong also showed confidence saying, “SE stands for both security and service, and our main advantage is being able to get things done quickly through our leading technology and our team of ex-hacker engineers. Through this support (from Fast Track Asia) we intend to develop our company further and aim to expand overseas in the future.”
Recently SEWorks released its app protection service Medusa Hair for Android. As a web-based service that easily increases the security for apps, Medusa Hair stops selected apps from being changed maliciously. While existing Android security solutions use vulnerable technology that contains source code obfuscation, Medusa Hair obfuscates the source code of APK files directly to prevent the creation of “fake apps” through app repackaging and focuses on protection from attackers.