News in Brief: “Delivery People” Partners up with Naver

Food delivery application “Baedalui Minjok“(Delivery People) has joined hands with Naver.

Korea’s most popular portal site and the successful food delivery service which was created by the startup Woowa Bros. signed an MOU earlier today to collaborate in developing a new business model together.


이윤식 네이버 검색본부장(왼쪽)과 김봉진 우아한형제들 대표가 27일 분당 네이버 사옥에서 배달 서비스 상생 협력을 위한 업무협약을 맺었다.

The two companies agreed to cooperate and seek out new business models in the areas of map location information and food delivery information.

Director of Naver’s Search Division Yoon-shik Lee commented on the deal, saying, “We hope that we can maximize synergy by strengthening the location-based services of both companies.”

“Through this chance to collaborate, users will be able to access food delivery information more easily and businesses will also see real benefits” added the CEO of Woowa Bros. Bong-jin Kim.

This post was translated from the original post by Seh-hee Han on ET News, a media partner of VentureSquare.