Upcoming Events for Expat and Korean Developers with the Seoul Tech Society

Attention all developers! The Seoul Tech Society has two events coming up this month so take note if you’re keen to network and discuss new ideas with a group of passionate and technical-minded individuals from both abroad and Korea.

– First Friday Night Tech Jam @Seoul, April 19

Recently the Computer Science Society has grown significantly and this meeting is for people to get to know one another. To add flavor, volunteers can prepare an “Ignite-style” 5 minute talk on the things they are most passionate about. Make sure to stay for the after party where everyone can continue socializing over a drink or two!

Google I/O 2013 Extended@Seoul, May 16


The Seoul Tech Society will host Google I/O 2013 Extended in Seoul. The event will consist of a variety of sessions and a chance to connect with other developers. Click here for more information about Google I/O Extended.

About the Seoul Tech Society

The Seoul Tech Society was started as the Computer Science Society in January 2013 by three tech-lovers Victoria, Nikolay and Alexander. Nikolay and Victoria are research engineers who are currently working in the mobile communications department at LG Electronics. Alexander is an independent software development engineer and CS researcher. Together, the team began organizing events so like-minded people could come together and share opinions and be inspired about technology. Nikolay shared some of his motivations for founding the group.

“First at university and now at work I feel some difficulty in openly sharing my ideas, partially because of language and cultural difficulties, and limitations and frames of the environment. When I meet my friends talking about serious things ruins the atmosphere of the party. That’s why the goal of the group is to make an environment for creative and open technical talks.”


Nikolay also added that he himself would love to get new ideas and thoughts through discussion and feedback at the meeting. Others can enjoy networking or use the meetings as a source for learning. He added that another goal was to make a platform for collaboration between foreigners in the technical field and open-minded Koreans.

The group is still young and has only had two meetings so far, but both brought together people with backgrounds in UX design, robotics, web-programming, mobile application development and IT administration. The second event also saw an American professor of Algorithms give advice as members prepared for Google’s CodeJam competition.


Looking for Passionate Developers and Inspirational Speakers

Anyone is welcome at Seoul Tech Society events, especially those who want to network, collaborate and share opinions about digital technologies like mobile devices, computers, robotics and the Internet.

Organizers are also looking for entrepreneurs, scientists, researchers and other professionals from the IT, computer and mobile arenas who want to give a talk and share their story of success. Being a non-profit group, any talks given are done so voluntarily but speakers can benefit from publicity and networking. An effort is made to attract an audience, and video from the event is also uploaded so others can view it.

The Seoul Tech Society is currently looking for sponsorship, which can help the group with venues, snacks and honorable awards for speakers. Sponsors get the benefit of networking with foreigners in tech fields and open-minded Koreans who are normally difficult to reach in Korea. The society is also considering organizing events such as hackathons, Ignite or TED-style conferences where sponsors can benefit from newly generated ideas.

For more information check out the Seoul Tech Society website.