Hamgge SeungSeung Business center to have opening ceremony on the 27th

Hamgge SeungSeung Business center, the business place for startups, announced on the 8th that it will hold have an opening ceremony on the 27th.

Since opening on July 5th, approx. 3,700 members have been registered for “Hamgge SeungSeung Business center”, the business startup place where online community “SeungSeung Club’ members participated in its establishment.

It is approx. 39.2 pyeong (1,291.11 ㎡) in area with a total of 160 seats. The seats are classified as enclosed-designated seats, open-designated seats, and free seating.

The opening ceremony will consist of IR Pitching by representatives from 10 startup businesses and the guest visitor event.

10 startup businesses participating in the IR Pitching include the fall-proof protective wheelchair YBSOFT, the video tagging service platform Smart M Lab, yogurt company Easy Yogurt, chainless bicycle It Do, voice recognition smart home Syncspace, accounting program for small-sized business Zero To Zero, P2P financial platform Midrate, food processor Gursung, mobile extension socket V in Design, and mobile quiz game SELQA.

The IR pitches will go on from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a total of 3 hours, allotting 15 minutes for a presentation (including question and answer) by each company. The congratulatory message from the guests and the networking party are planned to be held from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Sun, Woong Kyu, manager of SeungSeung Club (CEO of whoNwho) said, “The Hamgge SeungSeung Business center is the place where startup businesses will perform economic community activities to create higher value with mutual support.” He added, “We will create a place to realize the 5 values of the SeungSeung Club: collaboration, sharing, uniting, public benefit, and success”.