[비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 (1)] 월가에서 사용하는 실제 영어

세계 4대 회계/컨설팅 회사 언스트앤영 LLP(Ernst & Young LLP) 뉴욕 본사에서 이사(Exp. Senior Manager)로 재직하면서 “도전 글로벌 기업“이라는 블로그를 운영하고 계시는 Filldraeam님께서 벤처스퀘어에 Business Communication에 관련된 글을 기고해 주십니다.  글로벌 진출을 꿈꾸는 스타트업이라면 꼭 알아야 할 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션과 글로벌 매너에 대한 이야기, 그리고 쉽고 재미있는 방법으로 영어를 잘 할 수 있는 비법들을 전해줍니다.

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사용자 삽입 이미지
월가나 프로페셔날 펌에 취업을 하고 일을 하려면 영어를 잘해야 되는 것은 기본이겠지요? 위에 얘기한 글로벌 펌이 아니더라도 요즘은 영어를 필수적으로 요구하는 시대니까 회사원들이나 학생들도 영어를 잘 해야 한다고 하는데요.

어느 정도 해야지 영어를 잘한다고 할까요?

레이디 가가의 가사 외우고 영어 신문 볼 수 있을 정도만 해도 꽤 대단한 실력이지만 우선은 영어를 그 컨텍스트에 맞게 잘해야지요. 한 회사의 애널리스트 정도 위치에 있는 사람이 구사하는 수준을 구사해주면 됩니다.

예를 들자면 한 회사의 실적과 trend 그리고 그 분야의 trend 와 비교, 재무제표 분석 정도만 제대로 구사할 수 있는 정도(발음이나 액선트는 거의 원어민에 가깝다는 가정 아래)면 충분히 월가나 전문 프로페셔날 펌에 도전도 할 수 있으며 또 한국에서 회사 생활할 때나 영어 인터뷰시 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.  

제가 이 수준을 아주 쉽게 할 수 있다는 것 같이 설명한 것 일수도 있는데요. 이 정도 구사 하려면 영어에 자질이 있는 사람이 한 5년정도 현지에서 이런 토픽에 관해서만  대화를 할 경우에 애널리스트 가 쓰는 수준의 어휘가 나옵니다. 물론 매일매일 적어놓고 노력을 하면 조금 더 빨라 지겠지요.

실제로 월가에 있는 애널리스트와 회사 임원들 간의 conference call 텍스트를 여기에 샘플로 올립니다. 한번 체크해 보시고 여러분이 이 정도의 phrase 를 만들어 낼수 있나 점검해 보세요.

참고로 밑에 나온 스피치는 은행의  CEO 와 CFO 가 2009년 4분기 실적을 설명하는 conference call 입니다.

CEO 의 파트입니다:

For the quarter we expected slow improvements in the economy generally as a backdrop for whatever our performance would be. We didn’t expect as rapid an increase in stock market values as we have experienced which has led many commentators to suggest that the risk of corrections or consolidations in the marketplace is present. The general economy might surprise some people in 2010 in terms of improvement. Unemployment which has started to go down in the second half will be slow to recover. I think small business and even big business have a “show me” attitude about what is going on in terms of where they ought to deploy capital expenditures and whether they ought to add to their employment bases or not.

Because of the market improvement, client assets were up dramatically. This is due to a combination of the good early recruiting that was done and pure market appreciation. Client activity is slowly beginning to increase, due to the general comments about the economy, but it is slower than anticipated by the degree of recovery in the market. Fortunately, we have a fairly large fee-based revenue component.

Sequential improvement is to be expected in the investment banking related activities going forward, which also impacts the asset management numbers. With respect to the capital markets activity we are seeing in the marketplace, while the transaction volume is high, the percentage participation on all of the overnight deals that are occurring tend to be smaller unless you happen to be the lead manager and unfortunately pure IPO activity isn’t up enough to influence our lead managed statistics very much.

It has been very difficult to increase net revenues at a meaningful level, which is similar to the rest of the industry in this economy. It has been a little more intractable than I might have expected but you have to dissect the income statement again to come back and say where do you see the vibrancy? Where do you see the return? The private client commissions and fees I would focus on because they were up 15.5%. That is dramatic growth in these comparisons to.

Total commissions and fees is a little lower but still up sequentially 7% and up 12% year-over-year. This is due to institutional commissions being down slightly in fixed income.

Equity institutional business is still lackluster even in our European operations because of the weakness of the dollar.

Net income of $49 million was actually very good contrasted to the $61 million last year and up from $43 million in the immediately preceding quarter for a 14% increase. This led us to the $0.39 diluted earnings versus $0.50 and versus $0.35 from the sequential prior quarter.

We have been performing much analysis around our net interest. What I am going to do is ask, our CFO, ably supported here by our Comptroller, to respond on net interest. Jeff if you would give some input with all these new bonds we have outstanding and the changes with the money market funds and what is really going on here.

CFO 의 파트 입니다.

Reported net interest was down $7 million sequentially from last quarter. The interest on our note issuance last quarter added interest expense of about $7 million this quarter and about $3 million the previous quarter. If that were added back to what we will call interest earnings from operations, which is kind of taking that financing activity away just to look at the ongoing run rate of operating earnings, with respect to interest and you get $86 million in the previous quarter and $83 million in the current quarter; still a decline of $3 million which again doesn’t really comport with all the sequential improvement comments we have been making.

Last quarter we talked about the inception of the multi-bank sweep program in the month of September which we completed sometime in early November. That added $7 million of fee income in the December quarter which is in the financial service fee line item; not in interest earnings. That recoups some of the spread that has been lost by the interest rate environment.

As the CFO mentioned last time the magnitude of our earnings from the multi bank sweep is going to be roughly an offset to our bond interest cost. When I add the $7 million into the quarter just ended we actually get $90 million versus about $87 million, as there was a little bit of this in the previous quarter. So we actually did have a sequential improvement from those interest earnings and related activities from September to December. Not a huge jump but about $3 million. We think that as balances grow that will continue.

이 정도는 소화 할수 있으면 한국에서도 큰 인정을 받을 것 입니다. 영어를 공부할때 이렇게 내가 원하는 방향으로 타겟을 잡고 공부를 하면 더 빠른 시일내에 영어 실력이 좋아질수도 있을 것 입니다.

* Filldream의 글로벌 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 이야기는 계속 됩니다!
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