ChattingCat Helps Language Learners Gain Feedback
Learning languages is easier than ever with the abundance of information, free lessons and...
보도자료, 인터뷰 등 벤처스퀘어에 게재되는 모든 기사들에 대한 문의는 이메일로 부탁 드립니다.
Learning languages is easier than ever with the abundance of information, free lessons and...
Early stage venture captial firm Bon Angels has announced a 300 million investment in the ...
Startup incubating firm Fast Track Asia announced on September 6 that they would begin the...
The world’s biggest social media conference, Social Media Week will be held in Seoul...
Life in Korea has its fair share of social pressure. From a young age most are told to stu...
“Watcha” is a service launched by startup Frograms on August 16 and recommends...
IT startup incubating company, Fast Track Asia announced its new CEO, Park Ji-woong on Aug...
Timing can be everything in a new market. While making a successful app in today’s m...